Get your OSPI certification: Driver training schools

Learn how to get an Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) certification to teach driver training at an approved public or private school.

School districts and approved private schools that offer Traffic Safety Education (TSE) need certification from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).

What is certification?

Certification is a joint process between Public School Districts, OSPI, and Department of Licensing (DOL).

RCW 28A.220 requires school districts or approved private schools that offer driver training education to certify that they are:

  • Operating a traffic safety education program
  • Employing only qualified driver training education instructors
  • Teaching the Washington State Driver Training Required Curriculum
  • Meeting Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction course delivery standards
  • Retaining accurate records

School Districts must also provide a signed attestation that their program meets the requirements of HB 1481.

How to get a certification

Follow these steps to get your certification. You must apply with both the OSPI and the DOL.

Step one: Request OSPI approval for your TSE program

To request your OSPI approval, you must:

1. Update your data with OSPI

Log into OSPI's Traffic Safety Education Program Data portal and update your data

2. Complete all of the following forms:

3. Submit your forms to OSPI

You can submit your forms via email to You can also mail your forms to:

Student Transportation
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
PO Box 47200
Olympia, WA 98504-7200

Step two: Allow OSPI to process your application

If your program meets OSPI's requirements (Chapters 28.A.220 RCW and 392-153 WAC), they will send you an approval letter.

OSPI will review, and if appropriate, approve your instructors. An OSPI representative will sign the review.

OSPI will return the completed application to your school district for you to enter it into the DOL professional licensing system.

Step three: Apply with the DOL

You can apply for the DOL portion of the endorsement online.

Log into SecureAccess Washington (SAW)

Don't have a SAW account? Learn how to create a SAW account.

After we receive and review your application

If we approve your application, we will notify the school district or private school and provide directions on how to access License eXpress for Business.

Your schools, instructors, and staff must be associated in License eXpress for Business to become active.

Changes to school district and private school TSE programs

Once your program is certified for the school year, you must inform us of any changes to your program using the OSPI Program Changes form. Changes you must tell us about include:

  • Adding or removing an instructor
  • Making changes to the School District TSE Coordinator, Superintendent, or Main Contact
  • Making changes to contact phone or email address
  • Closing a Traffic Safety Education program

Related laws and other resources

Need additional help? Here's how to contact us:

call Phone: 360-902-3703
(TTY: Call 711)
mail Email:
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